Baillat Studio

Mutek MTL 22 - Live DJ Set for Planetary Assault Systems and Nicolas Bougaïeff

  • Video Content + Scenography
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Mutek MTL 22 - Live DJ Set for Planetary Assault Systems and Nicolas Bougaïeff


For the 2022 edition of Mutek MTL, Jean-Sébastien Baillat designed the live visuals for performances by Planetary Assault Systems (England) and Nicolas Bougaïeff (Germany). In a scenography both frontal and subtle, Baillat capitalized on a play of transparency and low-resolution screens to create a breathless visual rhythm.

Set design by Arnaud Belley-Ferris. Mutek MTL is a festival dedicated to the celebration of electronic music and the digital arts.


Mutek MTL 22 - Live DJ Set for Planetary Assault Systems


Baillat Studio
Est. 2014

We also work hand-in-hand with our clients to develop a singular visual language that turns their commercial aspirations into reality. Our approach to brand identity is based on deep listening and mindful observation, guided by intuition and a shared desire to explore uncharted territories.

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