Baillat Studio

Hologramme - Ciel: Live

  • Video Content + Scenography
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Hologramme - Ciel: Live

In September 2022, the studio directed the Ciel album launch show for Hologramme. Presented at the Club Soda in Montreal, the evening was inspired by the sound of the celebrated opus.

Dominated by a tall, wide metal structure, the stage became a dynamic setting for Clément - enthroned atop his turntables - and his guests, with an energetic interplay of laser, smoke and light reflections. The studio was responsible for the creative direction of the show, while Olivier Bonnard directed the scenography. For the evening, Patrick Trudeau operated the laser.


Baillat Studio
Est. 2014

We also work hand-in-hand with our clients to develop a singular visual language that turns their commercial aspirations into reality. Our approach to brand identity is based on deep listening and mindful observation, guided by intuition and a shared desire to explore uncharted territories.

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