Baillat Studio

Les Clairs Obscurs

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Les Clairs Obscurs


For its CLAIRS-OBSCURS Evenings, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts asked our studio to create the posters for the 2016 to 2018 editions. These after-dark events combine fine arts with a lively festive atmosphere.

To promote these events, we created dynamic, elaborately detailed visuals. We dove into the museum's collection to find memorable images, which we then modified graphically to establish a visual identity for the four editions.

The museum presents Fête à la plage, a lazy evening in the galleries, frolicking in the foam of lost paradises, intoxicated by the beauty of art and design objects, the heart burned by a summer sun.

Fête à la plage, 2018

The museum presents La romance du désaveu. Take the angel's leap into the galleries, art being the only guarantee of remission once the bucolic illusions and their misunderstandings have evaporated.

La romance du désaveu, 2018

The museum presents Éclosion de natures mortes, an extravagant spring celebration, a bouquet filled with ethylic and greedy temptations with these prudes desires of flowering.

Éclosion de natures mortes, 2017

The museum presents L'amour n'existe plus, an ode to the body and not to the heart, in a never-ending quest for chimerical dreams, full of cocktails and creations.

L'amour n'existe plus, 2017

Le musée, La nuit tombée. Spotlight on the avant-garde generation. Art, cocktails and creative spaces.

La nuit tombée, 2016

Between 2016 and 2018, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts CLAIRS-OBSCURS evenings have attracted more than 1,000 visitors per evening, reaching 1,619 attendees at the February 2017 edition.

Event's visitor 1000+
Baillat Studio
Est. 2014