Baillat Studio


  • Installations + Art
Images 14 ↓


SUPERCARRÉ is an art installation that explores the impossible task of squaring the circle by seeking to deceive visitors' perceptual system. With the help of a mirror tunnel, a square image gives the impression of being a three-dimensional sphere, as well as being composed of replicas of the same image.

To enhance immersion in the work, three screens are set up behind the viewer who is observing SUPERCARRÉ. The images on the screens are reflected within the structure, absorbing the viewer into a luminous kaleidoscope.



First presented as part of C2MTL 2014, the work was later adapted for the Carré des Arts courtyard in Mons.

SUPERCARRÉ is a co-creation of Jean-Sébastien Baillat and Patrick Trudeau (aka Diagraf).

Baillat Studio
Est. 2014

We also work hand-in-hand with our clients to develop a singular visual language that turns their commercial aspirations into reality. Our approach to brand identity is based on deep listening and mindful observation, guided by intuition and a shared desire to explore uncharted territories.

Baillat Studio 69

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